Shelby County Ohio
Amateur Radio Emergency Services®

Emergency Coordinator

Promote and enhance the activities of Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) for the benefit of the public as a voluntary, non-commercial communications service. *Manage and coordinate the training, organization and emergency participation of interested amateurs working in support of the communities, agencies or functions designated by the Section Emergency Coordinator/Section Manager. Working with and for the Shelby County Ohio Emergency Management Director.

John Probst – KA8RVI

Deputy Emergency Coordinator

SCARES Operations Officer

Assisting Shelby County ARES Emergency Coordinator with the administration, management, supervision and execution of activities assigned under the SCARES Emergency Response Plan, and Shelby County Ohio Emergency Response Plan.

Nick Sabo – KC8CFI

Assistant Emergency Coordinator

Administration / Repeater Programmer

Plan and coordinate administrative procedures and systems. Organizing, arranging and coordinating meetings and meeting minutes. Schedule events and calendar listings. Maintain inventory records of equipment, and maintain all file and data back ups. Repeater programming and maintenance.

Nick Zircher – N4QAD

Assistant Emergency Coordinator

Digital Operations/Information Tech

Organize, coordinate and maintain digital communications and APRS equipment, procedures and testing. Set up and maintain all SCARES computers, networking and software.

Rhonda Wade – KD8RLF

Assistant Emergency Coordinator

Net Manager/Hospital-Health Rep.

Organize and schedule all SCARES voice nets. Create and maintain preambles and procedures. Appoint and mentor SCARES net operators. Maintain contacts and relationships with officials from Wilson Health and Shelby Co. Health Department.

Joe Clark – KC6NLX

Assistant Emergency Coordinator

Shelby County Skywarn Coordinator

Coordinate and organize all county Skywarn activities. Maintain relationships with the Wilmington, Ohio National Weather Service, and Dayton Skywarn operators. Appoint assistant(s) to help with severe weather nets. Maintain liaisons with Dayton Skywarn and Shelby County / City officials.

Eric Patterson – K8EEP

Assistant Emergency Coordinator

Emergency Mobile Communications

Drive, organize, and maintain the SCARES EMComm tow vehicle, SCARES I. Be familiar with all aspects of organizing, setting up and maintaining the SCARES EMComm trailer. Responsible for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance for both vehicles and attached equipment.

Jerry Pence – KE8LNS

Assistant Emergency Coordinator

Emergency Mobile Communications

Drive, organize, and maintain the SCARES EMComm tow vehicle, SCARES I. Be familiar with all aspects of organizing, setting up and maintaining the SCARES EMComm trailer. Responsible for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance for both vehicles and attached equipment.

Tim Lewis – WI8V

Assistant Emergency Coordinator

Information Technology

Manage and maintain Shelby County Amateur Radio Emergency Services website. Provide technical training for content management.

Marc Burdiss – AF7RE

Public Information Officer  PIO

The liaison for Shelby County Amateur Radio Emergency Services, when activated, and involved, in city or county operations, to any news media or government officials.